Basic Witches came out in October (in honor of Halloween, of course). The five episode series follows the life of a 21st century 20-something year old witch.

As short as it is, I thought it was awesome. I love witches. Remember Kiki's Delivery Service? I was one of the many young girls "flying on my broom" in the kitchen. No shame. Also the series delves into "problems" of 20-something year old women everywhere still have to deal with, especially in big cities like New York City.

Not only because it's about witches and #21centuryproblems, but the series is created by a cool group of women.

Walk to Health from Basic Witch on Vimeo.

Check out their website HERE.



2016 was good and bad. Some will say it was the worst.

And despite everything, David Ehlrich always manages to make cinema for that year appear amazing.

To another year.



Let's just say I'm just really busy.

Here are some photographs take with my android phone of the beautiful place my family stayed in for four days before the New Year. If you do not know this place, it's a small town close to Monterey and Cannery Row called Pacific Grove. There was a long stretch of coastal promenade that led all the way to the wharf of Monterey.
We stayed in a small cottage that was about a 5 minute walk to this promenade I previously mentioned. I absolutely loved it.
Animals we saw were: seals, aggressive seagulls, sea otters, a random assortment of sea birds, and the water shooting out from the sea from passing whales.

It was definitely one of the nicest family vacations we've done in a while, and we don't do many.


Happy Holidays!

Hello all! Every year my family takes a nice holiday photo, while trying to make my dog look photogenic with everyone else. However, this dog is better off on his own. So here's a holiday photo from him!
I hope all of you had an amazing holiday and will have a great first of the year in just a few days.


A Look At The Noruko Method of Kokeshi Doll-Making

It always fascinates me that there are people with such skill and precision. In current society, we no longer celebrate people having a skill like this. 
Furniture making? It's called DIY Ikea.
Building your own computer? Just buy an overly expensive Apple Computer.
Develop your own film? #digitallife
Apprenticeship? Is that a synonym for internship?

It's important to keep skills such as the one presented in the video alive through the mediums we have now to show appreciation.
